Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat & Get Flat Abs

15 Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat & Get Flat Abs

Hey there! Are you looking for quick steps to tuck that tummy in? Are you tired of everyone telling you to go to the gym or drink weird fruit and vegetable punches to maintain a diet? Then you have clicked the best article to date.

Through this article, I will introduce you top 15 favourite Yoga poses that I know for sure are going to be fun-filled and help tackle different fats around your belly and abdomen.

Let’s begin before you feel like escaping and start binge-eating something that you shouldn’t be!

Bhujangasana: The Cobra Pose

Do it by:

  • Firstly, lie on your stomach and make sure your legs are together with their top pressed against the floorboard or the mat.
  • Place your arms on either side while arching the upper body up, so the hands are now beneath the shoulders.
  • Make sure that your public and the feet are in a straight line while you are hoisting your upper body.
  • Slight draw your shoulder back so that your upper body should be straight, held by the palms against the floorboard.
  • Keep inhaling deeply and slowly while attaining this position.


On average you can try 2-5 rounds of this asana. Hence, beginners must do it for two-five minutes. Eventually, with practice and dedication, stretch the rounds further.


  • It helps to stretch your stiff muscles, especially belonging to shoulders and lower back.
  • It helps to tone the muscles of your buttocks.
  • Circulates more blood around the abdomen and clears up the chest.
  • Improves the indigestion situations, so to avoid inflammation.


Vasishtasana: The Side Plank Pose

Do it by:

  • Starting with the downward-facing dog pose.
  • Then swiftly lower your hips, forming a plank pose.
  • Now shift the body to the right and balance the outer edge with your right foot.
  • Raise the left side’s arm in the air, while the left foot can remain over the right one or in mid-air.
  • The right palm should be touching the ground and helping you turn your body weight accordingly.


Hold this side plank position for 15 to 30 seconds. As per your wish, repeat this pose with the other side as well.


  • Increases flexibility in your abdomen and wrists.
  • Open the cramped muscles near hips, waist, and abs.


Paschimottanasana: Seated Flower Bend Pose (Forward)

Do it by:

  • Sitting on the mat with legs stretched out.
  • Make sure your spine is straight and not aching.
  • Then slowly bend down with your arms stretched along with your move.
  • Keep your head bowed near the knee or beyond that if you can do it.
  • Do not forget to inhale slowly while doing so.
  • Make sure your hands are touching the soul or at least the Achilles heel area.


If you are a beginner, try it for 10-20 seconds. Whereas, advanced practitioners do it for more than 30-40 seconds. You can repeat as per your comfort zone.


  • Focuses on stretching your hamstrings.
  • Mobilizes the blood around your hips, lower back, and ankles.
  • Tones up abdomen and aids in proper digestion.


Savasana: The Corpse Pose

Do it by:

  • Lying down like a corpse on a mat.
  • Your legs and arms should be widened.
  • Your head should be up and not bent down.
  • You will have to continue breathing: inhale calmly and exhale more slowly.


This pose is easiest but most difficult to practice for beginners. Thus, it required at least 5-15 minutes where you continuously lie down the mat like a corpse to increase the concentration on breathing.


  • Removes tension, unwanted depression, and dispels the stress from the body.
  • Gives your body a break from rapid oxygen or blood circulation.
  • This relaxes your stomach muscles as well as the respiratory system.


Kumbhakasana: The Plank Pose

Do it by:

  • Lie your stomach on the mat, then lift your body up.
  • It should be parallel to the floor with your hands in line with your shoulders on both sides.
  • Your legs should be straight and wide with toes touch the floor.


Try it out for 30-50 seconds as a beginner. Keep stretching it a minute and more after a month’s regular practice.


  • Tones your hip bone, chest, as well as abdomen.
  • Improves your body’s flexibility, stamina, and posture.
  • It builds endurance as well, preparing your body for other intense cardio sessions.


Paripurna Navasana: The Boat Pose

Do it by:

  • Lie straight on the mat with face upwards.
  • Start to lift your legs together in the air.
  • Lift your upper body simultaneously.
  • Stretch your arms till they reach either side of your legs in the air.


Hold this position for 40-60 seconds as a beginner. Later on, continue to do multiple reps with longer duration as you gain more experience and stamina.


  • Challenges your spine, hip, abdomen.
  • Builds strength and stamina for your body.


Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana: A Dog Post With One Leg Downward-Facing

Do it by:

  • Try the downward-facing dog pose first.
  • Then, simply raise the chosen leg up in the air.
  • The other leg should remain in the original position while the hands are also intact.
  • Breathe in slowly and breathe out more slowly while you bring down the leg and try the same position for another leg.


You can easily do 10 reps with one leg at a time as a beginner. While one leg is in the air, try to hold that position for 40-50 seconds in the beginning.


  • Your body stretches further: hamstrings and hip flexors are toned.
  • It stimulates the blood flow better and puts pressure on your tummy as well.
  • You get to honour your confidence by balancing your stomach and whole body on the leg.


Vrksasana: The Tree Pose

Do it by:

  • Stand up straight on a mat.
  • Use left leg to cross at your right knee while you can close your hands in front of you
  • This could be in a Namaskara pose.
  • Otherwise, you can stand on one leg with your hands up in the air.


For beginners, such a pose to stand with on leg without moving much can be difficult. For starters, holding this position for 40-50 seconds is enough. However, you can easily stand on one leg for more than two to three minutes after quite some time.

You need to repeat this pose with each leg. So, try at least three to five rounds at once.


  • It helps you to learn to balance your body.
  • When you stretch your arms above your head, it stretches your tummy muscles as well.


Ardha Purvottanasana: Reverse Post Of A Table Top

Do it by:

  • Sitting on the floor with feet against the floor and knees bending.
  • Now place your arms at your back, against the floor, at either side.
  • Gently, lift your body up, so your face and abs are in the same line.


Initially, you must hold this position for 20-30 seconds. As the endurance level increase, stretch the duration as well.


The main benefit of this pose is on the abs. The abdomen muscles are stretched for better toning.


Tadasana: The Mountain Pose

Do it by:

  • Standing on the mat straight
  • Keep your head aligned with your body
  • Your face should not bend or dip low
  • Your hands should be straight at either side of your body
  • Your feet should be sticking together on the ground.
  • As a variation to this pose, you can stand on your toes and stretch your arms above your head to the maximum limit.


You can stand in this position for 30 seconds to a minute initially.  Repeat at least 4-6 rounds as a beginner.


  • Improves the problems related to digestion.
  • Abdomen muscles are stretched.


Adho Mukha Svanasana: Downward Facing Dog

Do it by:

  • Using your hands to bend across the floor.
  • Your feet should be wide, and your whole body should try and make a 90-degree posture.
  • Your face should be bent and facing back the legs, or at least, the floor.
  • Do not bend or go lenient with legs or arms. They should be straight.


For a minimum of 3 minutes, you should be in this position. As you practice reps regularly, you can continue to do it for longer periods.


  • Helps in toning hip bones and flexors.
  • Strengthens your thighs and arms.
  • Tones the abs and increases your endurance level.


Bitilasana: The Cow Pose

Do it by:

  • Setting up a crawling position on the floor.
  • Your palms should rest on the floor with straight elbows.
  • Keep the upper body till hip bone straight; parallel to the floor or mat.
  • Bend the pelvis and let the knee touch the floor.
  • Your legs should be splayed back, resting against the floor, with the backside facing upwards.
  • Simultaneously, face the floor for a better head position.


As this position is fairly easy, you can do it for five to ten minutes without a hassle, even in the beginning.


  • Improves overall posture
  • Straightens your spine
  • Helps to keep your balance straight while you are learning to breathe properly.
  • Improves the unnecessary indigestion
  • Helps tone your buttocks


Ustrasana: The Camel Pose

Do it by:

  • Kneel against the floor.
  • Arch your back till your arms can touch the heel of your foot.
  • Keep the head upward.


Do this asana for a minute and more in starting. Move the duration to more than two or four minutes after a week or two.


  • Helps with toning upper and lower belly.
  • Helps to relax the shoulders and stiff muscles.
  • Helps to control breathing.
  • Tones your buttocks as well.


Padahastasana: Standing Forward Bend Pose

Do it by:

  • Standing up straight and then bending your upper body slowly downwards.
  • Reach to the point that your head faces the calves and your hands can touch your feet.


Hold this position for 40 seconds to a minute initially. Try at least four to five reps at once.


  • Helps to harmonize the dosha like Vata that is causing problems like indigestion or constipation.
  • Reduces the Tamas from your body that is responsible for causing laziness and heaviness around the stomach.
  • Increases flexibility for thighs, lower back, focuses on reducing love handles.


Dhanurasana: The Bow Pose

Do it by:

  • Resting your body against the floor with the stomach.
  • Begin to bend your knees by bringing the legs back up near to the hips.
  • Arch your upper body simultaneously, providing your legs with the support of your arms to hold onto that bow like position.


For beginners, this position can be a hassle but try to hold it for 30 seconds to a minute. Then repeat it at least four to five times.


  • Reduces extra fat
  • Improves constipation and indigestion


I have been following these Yoga poses for quite some time. I absolutely love the results they render one’s body with. Guys, tell me about your experience in the comment section below if you got any special tips about these poses. I will be waiting to hear your “toning the abs” story.

Featured Image by master1305/