Getting rid of belly fat. Here’s Top 15 yoga poses that reduce your belly fat along with their steps and benefits.

Top 15 Yoga Poses for a Flat Belly

Owing to the modern lifestyle nowadays, it is quite common to see many people suffering from obesity. Daily intake of fast food and absence of workout is what results in having a flabby tummy.

Due to hectic lives, it is quite common to find time for yourselves to either workout or go to a gym. Neglecting your body could often result in severe health issues and you might definitely be irritated with your increasing flat belly.

Don’t worry, i have better solution for that flabby tummy. Here is a list of some of the best yoga poses for a flat belly which are highly effective in reducing your belly fat.

These yoga poses are very simple, even a beginner can perform easily. If you practice these yoga asanas daily you will start seeing results within 30 days. Lets get started!

Top 15 yoga poses that reduce belly fat fast


1. Mountain Pose

Also known as Tadasana pose, this effective yoga pose is highly efficient and has numerous benefits. This pose helps in improving one’s posture and also helps increase strength and power of your legs and arms. This pose is also known for strengthening thighs and knees.

Mountain Pose Or Tadasana - improving one’s posture, strengthening thighs and knees.


  1. Stand upright keeping your spine in a straight position.
  2. Join your palms while stretching your hands opposite to each other.
  3. While you inhale, stretch your spine and raise your hands and bounce as much as you can. Try to retain your feet to the level of the ground.
  4. Now exhale and try to retain the posture for about 20 to 30 seconds.
  5. Perform this position for about 10 times after every 10 seconds gap to reduce your belly fat.


2. Chair Pose

Also known as Utkatasana, this yoga pose is one of the highly effective and the simplest to perform pose in order to obtain a flat belly. This yoga pose is highly effective for reducing belly fat and at the same time possesses other benefits such as it reduces the symptoms of flat feet and also helps strengthen your calves and your back. Performing this pose daily will definitely help you achieve excellently toned legs.

Chair Pose or Utkatasana: helps strengthen your calves and your back, highly effective for reducing belly fat


  1. Place a mat on the ground and stand straight on it with your hands in the namaste position.
  2. Bend your knees in such a way that is equivalent to the posture of your legs while sitting on a chair.
  3. With your palms still in contact, raise your hands above the level of your head and retain them in the position.
  4. Bend your torso slightly to a forward elevated position and retain this posture for a maximum amount of time.


3. Side Plank

Side plank is known to have numerous health and body benefits and many of the fitness lovers add this exercise compulsorily to their daily workout routine. Among the benefits of side plank, the most important ones are that it helps increase concentration, body balance and your core strength to a large extent. And since it is performed by balancing on one arm, it also helps strengthen your arms and shoulders.

Vasisthasana: Side Plank Pose -Learn side plank pose, known as vasisthasana in yoga.


  1. Firstly, take the position of the plank and stack your right foot at a position that is slightly proceeding the right base edge.
  2. Try elevating your body with the help of your left hand to a suitable oblique position.
  3. Make sure that your left hand is exactly below your left shoulder.
  4. In order to make your body upright, move your right hand upwards gradually.
  5. Hold for as long as you can and perform the exit by returning back to the plank position.


4. Standing forward bend

This yoga pose is also known as Padahastasana Yoga and is known for reducing stress, depression and anxiety to a large extent. Not only does it provide a soothing effect to your mind but it also helps strengthen your core and various body parts such as your thighs, hips, knees etc.

Hastapadasana or The Hand-to-Foot Pose


  1. Initially take the tadasana position and place your heels joined together.
  2. Make sure to keep your spine straight and boost your lungs up whole you breathe intensely.
  3. As you exhale, curve your body totally forward and attempt to touch the ground.
  4. Hold this position for about 30 to 90 seconds and take a break of about 10 seconds in between.


5. Vinyasa Flow

Along with the reduction in belly fat, this pose also helps build muscles and strengthens your core. This yoga pose is also known for improving your flexibility thereby reducing the risks of injuries.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga - improving your flexibility, reduction in belly fat.


  1. Maintain a downward pose while you breathe for some time.
  2. Try to inferior your body with the help of your arms so that your upper body is lowered.
  3. Now once you are on the ground, lift your chest slightly above the ground and hold this position.
  4. After this, return to the plank position and then back to the initial position and repeat this set for a couple of times.


6. Warrior Lunge Twist

Twisting helps provide oxygen-rich blood to your digestive organs thereby improving digestion and also helps remove harmful toxins from your body. This excellent yoga pose helps improve your body balance and also tones your muscles.

How to do Warrior Lunge Twist Yoga and Benefits - helps improve your body balance and also tones your muscles.


  1. Firstly, stand straight with your palms folded in front of your chest.
  2. Breathe intensely for some time while you hold on to this position and keep your spine straight.
  3. Place one of your legs forward and bend your knee in such a way that it becomes parallel to the ground.
  4. Make sure to keep the other leg straight and stretched behind.
  5. Bend a bit forward with your abdomen in a stretched position and twist your upper body.
  6. Hold on to this position and repeat it on the other side.


7. Bow Yoga

Another highly effective yoga posture for reducing belly fat is performing the bow yoga posture regularly.  One of the best yoga poses, bow yoga pose helps build each and every back muscle and strengths your upper body. This posture is also known to improve your flexibility along with opening up of abdomen, ankles, chest, etc.

Bow yoga pose strengths your upper body, improve your flexibility along with opening up of abdomen, ankles, chest, etc.


  1. Lie on the ground on your stomach and place your hands on the either sides.
  2. The next step is to bend your knees until your legs reach somewhere in line with your hips.
  3. The next step is to lift your arms and try holding on to your heels.
  4. You will definitely feel a stretch across your abdomen and your spine will take the shape of a bow.
  5. Lift your shoulders slightly higher so that your upper body is pulled.


8. Seated forward Bend Pose

The seated forward bend pose is highly effective in reducing belly fat quickly and at the same time includes other crucial benefits such as reducing anxiety, stress, and depression and also provides a soothing effect to your body and mind. This yoga pose is known to improve your digestion and also stretch your body parts like shoulders, hamstrings and Hip region.

How to do Seated forward Bend Pose - Paschimottanasana - Stretches: Hamstring, Vertebral column, Shoulder.


  1. Sit straight with your neck and spine properly aligned and your legs need to be in a stretched-out position in front of you.
  2. Now take a deep breath and bend forward with your hands touching your toes.
  3. Have a tight grip on to your toes so that your head slowly touches your knees and your arms are stretched out.


9. Boat Pose

Beginners might find this pose a bit tough and might require assistance in the initial stages such as a support or a backrest. Yet this pose is known to have various health benefits that include relieving stress, improving digestion, stretching out your hamstrings and also tones your muscles.

How to do Boat Pose and Benefits - relieving stress, improving digestion, stretching out your hamstrings and also tones your muscles.


  1. Firstly, sit straight with your arms and legs stretched out in front of you.
  2. Make sure that your spine is aligned straight.
  3. Now raise your limbs slowly while you take a deep breath and make sure to keep your legs straight even while being in the lifted position.
  4. Incline your back a bit and balance the whole posture with the help your arms by stretching them forward.


10. Cobra Pose

This pose has high benefits on your body since it helps stretch your muscles and reduces lower back stiffness. This yoga pose is also known for strengthening your shoulders and arms and also increasing flexibility.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) - Yoga for Beginners: Strengthens your core muscles, back, shoulders and arms. It opens your chest and stretches your spine.


  1. Lie down on your stomach with your palms on either side of you.
  2. Make sure to keep your face in the front direction the whole time while resting on your chin.
  3. Now inhale intensely and lift your upper body while keeping your shoulders stiff.
  4. Use your arm for supporting your upper body and bend your elbow.
  5. Now tilt your head and hold on to this position.


11. Lotus Hip Lift pose

This pose is highly beneficial in reducing your belly fat instantly since it works on basic abdominal muscles along with the Obliques that are the muscles lining your waist. This pose is best suited for stretching hips and ankles and improves your flexibility.

How to do Lotus Hip Lift pose (Tolasana) and Benefits - Best Core Yoga Workout


  1. Place your arms beside you and take the lotus position while keeping your spine and neck aligned properly.
  2. Note that this posture requires immense upper body strength.
  3. Now lift your body by placing your palms on either side of your body.
  4. Lift yourself upwards and hold on to the position for several seconds.


12. Raised Foot Pose

This is one of the simplest yoga poses for a flat belly. Those of you suffering from back pains regularly need to perform this yoga posture daily to provide relief to various lower back problems and relieve the tension caused in your back. It also helps in stretching your hamstrings and increasing blood circulation in your body.

How to do Raised Leg Yoga Pose (Uttanpadasana)


  1. Firstly, lie on your back with your head facing upwards and keep your spine and neck straight with your arms resting on either side of your body.
  2. Now lift your legs high up stretched out fully until they in a position that is exactly perpendicular in position to your torso.
  3. Hold onto this position for about a minute or two and then lower your legs back to the initial position.


13. Camel yoga pose

This is one of the most effective yoga poses for achieving a quick flat belly. This yoga pose is also known for working on other areas of your body like your lower back and at the same time helps improve your posture.

How to do Camel yoga pose - Ustrasana and Benefits - Yoga for flat belly


  1. This pose requires you to initially kneel down on your knees on to the floor.
  2. Make sure that your spine is straight and is properly aligned with your neck.
  3. Now place your palms in front with them facing downwards.
  4. Keep your neck straight while you start bending backward with your hips being moved forward.
  5. Take the help of your arms to support your body by touching your heels.


14. Wind Relieving Pose

Wind relieving pose is being performed widely by many people since it possesses various benefits that include increased efficiency of the digestive system along with relieving indigestion, bloating and acidity.

Wind Relieving Pose - Improve digestive system along with relieving indigestion, bloating and acidity. Flat belly yoga pose


  1. Lie on your back down initially with your arms resting on either side.
  2. Inhale deeply and start bending your knees until your thighs start touching your chest.
  3. Take a firm grip by placing your arms around your knees and lock in that position.
  4. Now as you breathe out, lift your neck and try touching your chin to the knees.


15. Downward dog pose

This amazing yoga posture is known for energizing your body thoroughly while it works on your abdomen region. It also helps calm your brain and relieve stress and at the same time works on strengthening your arms and legs.

How to Do Downward-facing dog pose (Adho mukha svanasana) - This pose opens Up your spine and shoulders.


  1. Start the pose by initially taking the downward dog position.
  2. Make sure that your head is lowered underneath along with your limbs stretched out straight at the back.
  3. Now the next step includes stretching one of your legs high up in the air to cause a stretch in your abdomen and hold on to that position for some time.
  4. Now repeat the same procedure but by lifting the other leg that was initially lowered.


Some Final Words

These are some of the most efficient and calming Yoga postures to keep your belly fat under control. Yoga has always been the best form of escape from the everyday hectic lives and performing such yoga poses daily certainly have a positive effect on your health as well as your body. The best way to calm yourself from the turmoil of everyday work is to perform yoga.

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